Okay, it has been over a week since I last updated the blog. Weird since I was updating every day for a while. In my defense, my weeks have been flying by. In fact, other than the fact it is Sunday I have no idea of the date. I thought I would do one big update entry instead of separate ones for each area of our life. Here it goes...
1) First and most importantly is Abigail. She is doing great! The doctor says that she is growing beautifully. We have a doctor's appointment tomorrow, so I may have more then.
2) The house...It is starting to get frustrating (I think because the baby is coming soon). For the past week, not much has happened. A guy has been there installing floorboards, doors, and such all week. After a week and a half he has still not finished. One highlight took place last weekend when our countertops were installed in our bathrooms. Here are some pictures:
The french doors leading into the study:

Master bathroom countertops:

Upstairs bathroom countertop:

3) In other news...we finished our childbirth classes this week! This last week the lesson was about breast feeding. I learned a lot! Even though I learned a lot from all the classes I am glad they are done. I'm tired of having something to do every Wednesday night! I know Jeromy is glad they are over. He didn't learn much of anything new.
All in all, the past couple months have been crazy! I feel like I am never home and I am always exhausted. Last Sunday, we came home from church and decided to relax a couple of hours before doing anything. It turned into an all day thing. Jeromy watched football (which he doesn't get to do very often) and I read. Then, I fell asleep. Jeromy took this picture (yes, it felt that cold in the house!):

Believe it or not, we did leave the house that evening! Jeromy decided that we would go on a date night. So, we went out to dinner at Red Robin (where I got a salad. I was pleasantly surprised at how good it was. I would definitely recommend it!) and then to the movies to see Madagascar 2. It was pretty good, but the first one was better.
I will update more later if anything happens this week. Hopefully, we will see some progress on the house!