Sunday, January 25, 2009

Happy 5th Birthday Elena!!!

Today was Elena's fifth birthday and we had a party for her at Grandma's house. Here are a couple pictures from the fun:

Alex and Jimmy showing off their hidden personas in the "Who am I?" game that Jeromy and I gave to Elena.

Alex thought that Uncle Jeromy should get in on the fun even though he had fallen asleep.

The tall tower made up of Jimmy, Elena, and ...
...Elena's doll. (How many of you thought that was Abigail for a split second?)

Great-Aunt Judy and Abigail.

Lee dressed up as the bad guy for a game of cowboys with Alex.

Saturday, January 24, 2009

Abigail's First Movie

Last night Jeromy had to work and Mom invited Abigail and I out for an evening with Kelly and the kids. So the excitement began...

Shortly after Jeromy left for work, Abigail and I went to pick Elena up for school. We then went to Mom's house to pick her up. Afterwards, we hurried to the other side of town because Abigail had a doctor's appointment. She has a blocked tear duct and it has been getting worse, so we went to get it checked. The doctor perscribed her some eye drops. They seem to be helping. By the way, she is now 10 pounds, 4 ounces. She is getting so big!!!

After the doctor's appointment we went to Kelly's house to pick up her and Alex. We stopped to eat at Wendy's and then went to the movie. We went to see Hotel for Dogs. It was really cute!!! Alex and I were the only ones to watch the movie the entire way through. Mom went into the hallway with Abigail because at one point she was getting fussy. Once she was settled down she came back in. Kelly and Elena left at one point because Elena had "overflowed." Translation: She had ate too much food and had begun to throw it up. Even though I would count this as Abigail's first movie, I do not believe she ever actually looked at the screen. Actually, she slept her way through most of it. She will probably see it some day. I told Jeromy that this was a movie we definitely had to get because I believe Abigail will enjoy it.

Thursday, January 15, 2009

Abigail's New Blog

I started a blog for Abigail. It will mainly be pictures of her that I take throughout the day. Most of the stories and interesting things that happen will remain on this blog. Enjoy!

Yes, I have already posted some pictures (only a few).

Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Yet More Pictures...

I'm debating about starting Abigail's own blog. Actually, I think I will. So everyone stay tuned for that information.

Until then, Aunt Julie and Lee were unhappy with the lack of pictures lately. So, here are some that I took today.

Actually, this first one was taken yesterday. Abigail was playing and talking with her Glow Worm (she loves that thing!).

Aunt Kelly came over and while checking out the new nursery decided to have Abigail try out her new chair.

Abigail had not slept last night and was overly tired. Aunt Kelly helped Mommy and Daddy out by putting her to sleep and laying her in the cradle.

Mommy and Abigail sitting in the new glider that Daddy set up in the nursery. We had fun talking and playing with toys.

In other news, I rejoined Weight Watchers tonight. I'm really excited because I only gained 22 pounds with my pregnancy. Once I have lost that weight I will be back where I was when I dropped out because of being pregnant. I can't wait to get back on the wagon (well,kind of. I'm going to miss Cold Stone trips).

Monday, January 12, 2009

The Nursery is Almost Finished!!!

Once the house is put together (at least no boxes laying around), I will post pictures of our new home. I am very proud of the fact that I have finished the nursery (well, almost...there are a few things Jeromy needs to finish). I took a picture of Abigail in her crib enjoying her mobile and I thought it was too cute.

Oh! I almost forgot...we went to Abigail's 1 month check up today. She is totally healthy and now weighs 9 pounds, 5 ounces and is now 21 inches!!! I can't believe it!!! She is getting too big!

Saturday, January 10, 2009

12 Inches of Snow and a Constipated Baby

I know some of you are thinking 12 inches? Big deal! Well, unlike those of you in Minnesota, New Hampshire, and even Cleveland, we are not used to so much snow at one time in Northwest Ohio. Jeromy plowed both driveways (the house we live in and the house sitting empty two miles away) and to see them you would think he never touched them. Mom's neighbor did hers before we could get there and there is a drift already behind her Jeep. I told her if no one plows her out by the time Jeromy gets home from work tomorrow, we'll be over.

Now, for the constipated baby...I won't go into details but she simply hasn't pooped. Her doctor told us to use suppositories and we did. We're now waiting for the big event and she's moody. If this doesn't make sense it is because I am typing this one handed and trying to catch the pacifier she keeps dropping in my cleavage.

Other than these two issues the day is going well. We got work done on both houses and are now relaxing (while waiting for poop).

Wednesday, January 7, 2009

Future Doctor Lewis?

Abigail received these pink scrubs from Grandma Sanderson. Isn't she adorable? We think she is going to be a doctor like her Daddy.

After discussing Daddy's patients from the night before, Abigail played Daddy in Star Wars Legos on Wii...

Tuesday, January 6, 2009

Abigail's Moods

Yesterday, Abigail was in a mood all evening. Screaming with very few breaks for multiple hours. Here is a picture that I took with my cell phone during one of her breaks. As you can tell, she is very tired! She finally ended up falling asleep and having a very good night.

Then, today, she fell asleep for a couple hours. After Daddy left for work she woke up and was once again sitting on Mommy's lap. This time she was in a very good mood looking out the window. Here is one of the many contented looks that passed over her face. (once again the "ohhhh" face)

Monday, January 5, 2009

Tired...but Still Kicking

Time keeps getting away from us. Having a newborn and moving at the same time is very stressful. To make matters worse,Abigail has been having "issues." We think she may have colic. I guess we'll have to wait until we see the doctor next week for her 1 month checkup to see if we are right. We have a huge list of questions for the doctor. I hope she's ready for us!

Tonight, I am exhausted. Abigail has been screaming since shortly after 3:00. Jeromy's working and I was ready to collapse with exhaustion. Then, Mom came and saved the day. She took care of Abigail so I could take a break. Abigail has finally fell asleep and I am ready to fall asleep but I thought I would take this opportunity to post some pictures. Here you go...

Preparing to welcome 2009 at Grandma's house. Jeromy was working overnight and Uncle Andy was in California to attend the Rose Bowl, so we joined Aunt Laura (along with cousin Diesel) and Grandma for the night. We decided that we were getting old because all of us were ready for bed well before midnight.

Wearing the new onesie that Aunt Julie and Lee gave her on Christmas Eve.

Sleeping for the first time in the cradle that Daddy made for her.

Now that we finally have internet, Abigail and Daddy surfed the net together.

Mommy had to go to work today to figure out quarter and semester grade. Abigail went along to meet some of her future high school teachers.