Time keeps getting away from us. Having a newborn and moving at the same time is very stressful. To make matters worse,Abigail has been having "issues." We think she may have colic. I guess we'll have to wait until we see the doctor next week for her 1 month checkup to see if we are right. We have a huge list of questions for the doctor. I hope she's ready for us!
Tonight, I am exhausted. Abigail has been screaming since shortly after 3:00. Jeromy's working and I was ready to collapse with exhaustion. Then, Mom came and saved the day. She took care of Abigail so I could take a break. Abigail has finally fell asleep and I am ready to fall asleep but I thought I would take this opportunity to post some pictures. Here you go...
Preparing to welcome 2009 at Grandma's house. Jeromy was working overnight and Uncle Andy was in California to attend the Rose Bowl, so we joined Aunt Laura (along with cousin Diesel) and Grandma for the night. We decided that we were getting old because all of us were ready for bed well before midnight.

Wearing the new onesie that Aunt Julie and Lee gave her on Christmas Eve.

Sleeping for the first time in the cradle that Daddy made for her.

Now that we finally have internet, Abigail and Daddy surfed the net together.

Mommy had to go to work today to figure out quarter and semester grade. Abigail went along to meet some of her future high school teachers.