Earlier this week Mom asked me if I could help watch Alex and Elena until she arrived back in town from her conference in Columbus and I of course said that would be fine! (We love to spend time with our niece and nephew) Now, since I don't really have anything for them to do at my house in cold weather except play wii or watch a movie (they don't find Abigail's toys very fun) I decided we needed to do something fun. So, a couple days ago I decided that we would all go swimming at the YMCA in Temperance, MI (they are a part of the greater Toledo YMCA system so they are part of our membership). I also invited Laura and Landon to go with us as well. So, around 4:45 this afternoon we loaded up the van and away we went. We had a great time!
Abigail was not fond of the "mushroom." In this picture Jeromy is trying to introduce her to and she wanted nothing to do with it. We would like to go to Soak City this summer so we decided that we need to go to this Y a couple times this winter and hopefully she will get to the point where she will like it.

Elena playing in the "mushroom" and Alex playing in the shower thingy.

Alex going down the slide he called "Wicked Awesome!" He had to take a swim test in the deep end of the pool before he could go down the slide. After the test as the lifeguard was tying the string around his wrist which stated that he had passed, he looked at me and with a smirk on his face said "That was super easy." He's so cute!

Landon and Abigail having fun splashing each other. They're going to be best friends.

Jeromy and Elena being silly with Abigail.