On Tuesday, January 12th, a earthquake of 7.0 magnitude hit the small Caribbean country of Haiti. The country is devastated. They still do not know how many people have died. The news continues to show families in turmoil and more orphans than can be counted.
But, around the world, people have been coming together to send aid to the small island. Our church teamed with a group called ISOH/Impact. They gave us a list of things they were collecting to send to Haiti as aid. We began a church-wide event to collect the items.
On Thursday, Sharon (who is leading our church in this outreach), delivered many of the items that had been collected. She saw a HUGE need for help within their warehouse. So, today she organized a group to go and help. We met at the church at 10 to head to Waterville where the warehouse was located.
At the warehouse, we sorted canned food, cleaning supplies, paper products, hygiene products, baby items, and medical supplies. As we sorted, more supplies were being unloaded from trucks and vans. It was amazing to watch as people from all over Lucas county came together and worked side by side as if they had known each other for years. It was heartwarming to see all the supplies arrive to be sent to people in a little country that most of will never see.
I know it wasn't much, but I can't think of a better way to spend four hours on a Saturday.