This is a little late in posting...but, we have had some difficulties with our internet access.
On Friday, May 7th, we left for the Outer Banks. Beginning the vacation was a journey in itself. In the morning, Abigail, Mom, Kelly, and I traveled to Bloomville for Aunt Peggy's funeral. Afterwards, Abigail and I rode with Laura and Landon to Findlay where we met up with Andy and Jeromy. After a quick lunch of McDonald's we left for the great state of North Carolina!
On the first day, we traveled to Lexington, VA. Abigail did very well. She spent the day reading, watching videos, and sleeping. Her only meltdown was when we were moments from the hotel.

The next morning, Abigail was still doing well. (She is squealing with laughter in this pic even though both grandmas thought she was crying)

She continued traveling well for the rest of the trip. This picture was taken shortly after she woke up and we were about 40 minutes from Avon (the village where we are staying).

During our travels the temperature was in the high 70s, 80s, and even the low 90s. Then we arrived in the Outer Banks. We awoke Sunday morning to chilling temperatures in the low 60s. Luckily, we didn't have much planned for that day since we were all tired of being in the car. So, we took it easy around the house during the morning.

Then, after a brief visit over at the Ebright house, we went for a walk on the pier. That was really cool (and chilly). We saw a woman catch a small shark on her fishing line and a man catch a ray. He was still battling with the ray when we left to take Abs home for a nap.

On Monday, Laura, Andy, and Landon joined us on a trip up to Kill Devil Hills and Nags Head. First, stop was the Wright Brothers Memorial.
Abigail and Landon trying to figure out what is going on.

Waiting in their strollers for the action to begin.

Abigail checking out the displays with Daddy

Replica of the Wright Brothers plane

This guy was talking about the first flight. Laura joked that he was telling it from first hand experience.

Abigail and Jeromy are looking at the monument at the point where the Wright Brothers plane took off. The little monuments in the distance mark how far each flight went.

A close up of the markers for the landing point for the first three flights. The fourth marker in the distance marks the landing point for their record breaking fourth flight.

The monument at the top of a large hill in honor of the Wright Brothers and their achievement.

A view from the top of the tall hill.

A zoomed in picture of a statue honoring the Wright Brothers.

I found it very interesting. Of course, as Laura kept pointing out, I always like going to the historical sites. She says that it is something I got from my Dad (she mentioned that Kelly seems to have that gene as well). She's probably right.
To end our nice visit to the Wright Brothers Memorial, Abigail decided to scream from the top of the hill and not stop until we reached the car. I felt bad for the people trying to enjoy their day. I did notice that Andy and Laura picked up the pace to distance themselves from us. :)
We decided that the babies were getting restless because they were hungry so we decided to find somewhere to eat. We found a Five Guys and since Laura and Andy had never been there we stopped there to eat. I think we were right about the babies being hungry, well, at least Abs. She ate an entire little cheeseburger!!!
After we left Five Guys we headed back to Nags Head to visit the Sand Dunes. If you have never been there, you are missing something awesome! It took as a while to get there because we started off heading the wrong way. By the time we got there, Abigail had fallen asleep. We decided that we would just carry her and hope she woke up at some point. Well, thanks to mine and Laura's detour skills we ended up walking a further distance then we needed (of course, Laura saved us by picking the right path. It could have been a longer hike). When we finally found the huge mountain of a sand dune, Abigail was still sleeping!

By the time we reached the top, she had finally awaken. Of course, she didn't want anything to do with the sand.

After we left the dunes, we shopped at Kitty Hawks Kites and then headed back to the house where we went out on the deck. (One of Abigail's favorite past times)