Thursday, June 14, 2007


I don't want to get into detail, but I have to vent somewhere and since this is my journaling spot...

I am finding frustration in how God wants me to serve. Through prayer God repeatedly lays on my heart how He would like me to serve within His kingdom. However, I do not feel that where I am currently will allow me to do what He is asking of me. He also seems to be adamant on what He wants me to do.

So, I am left with a quandary. I have an option which would allow me to serve the way God is asking me to serve and it is sounds really exciting to me. However, there is a part of me that is scared to take that step (even though I feel that is the way that God is leading me). It is also scary because there are others who are waiting for me to make this decision because they may make a similar move based on my decision. I don't want to make the wrong decision.

I am praying about this, but I feel that my view is slanted because of my frustration on not being able to use the gifts God has given me. So, I have asked Jeromy to pray just as hard about God's guidance so that we make the correct decision (not just one that will make me happy), the decision God would have us to make.

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