Sunday, March 16, 2008

Final Wedding Preparations

Let me begin by saying that I am feeling much better! My stomach illness was definitely something to do with food. On Monday I was simply drained because I was dehydrated and had not ate anything substantial since Saturday. By Tuesday I was fine (except for soreness in my stomach muscles from being sick). On Wednesday, I felt absolutely fine! No signs of sickness!

Now on to the purpose of this preparations. There is less than two weeks until Laura and Andy's wedding. I am simply amazed at how quickly time has flown. Today, my mom made a very healthy lunch for us all to enjoy and then we all worked together to create the favors for her reception (which is less then three weeks away). Here are a couple of pictures of us preparing the starfish.

Even though it doesn't look like it, there were a lot of people participating in this endeavor. Every time I went to take a picture everyone disappeared. On a funny note. Those starfish really stinked when we first took them out of the bags they had been shipped in. For all of you attending the reception, don't worry. By the time we had finished they had seemed to air out (or we were just use to the smell).

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