At 6:00, a large group of people met at the new building for "Standing on the Promises." Pastor began with talking about his life verse and then he asked for people's testimonies. I missed the end of testimony time and the singing because I had to move around and luckily Elena was becoming antsy as well. So, we went for a walk outside.
When I returned, they were laying out markers. With the markers each person present was to write one of their favorite verses from the Bible on the concrete floor. This is so that we know once the carpet is laid that we are "standing on the promises" that the Lord made. Here is a picture my mom took of Jeromy and I writing our verses:

For those of you who know her, Robin will be out there for the next few days. She is writing out all of Hebrews 11. She was completing the first 13 verses last night and was coming back out tonight.
Oh, I almost forgot to mention the food. We had apple pie and hot dogs for dinner (can't get much more American than that). Mom packed Elena macaroni and cheese since she is "allergic" to hot dogs. We were also given a tour. I have been out there before, but hardly any walls were up. It was very hard to picture. Now that the walls are up, it is amazing how big the building actually is. It will be very neat when it is finished.
This is an awesome idea!!! WIsh I could have been there. ...
Glad Jeromy put my vese down for me! :-)
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