Yesterday, Jeromy and I had the fun of playing Santa Claus for the first time! Jeromy thought I was silly at first, but I was insistent that we buy Abigail some gifts from "Santa Claus." I think he is more into it now (especially since he now realizes that I was only intending on buying one or two things). So, after school yesterday, I picked Jeromy up and we headed to Maumee so I could have a non-stress test. That went well. Actually, Kendra (the nurse) had difficulty finding where her heart was at first because she is so big. She laughed and said that when she can no longer find the heartbeat without a struggle the baby was ready to come out. I told her that was fine with me and to let the doctor know. She just laughed, I don't think she thought I was serious.
Anyways, back to shopping. After the appointment, we headed to Toys R Us to see what we could find. We were looking for toys that she would find entertaining in late summer and fall since almost all the toys we have received are mostly geared towards the first four months of life. Jeromy found this phone toy that he liked and then we decided on a large toy that we think she will enjoy. Here is a picture of the one thing:

It was a lot of fun to play Santa Claus for the first time. Jeromy says that he thinks it will be more fun when she is aware of what is going on. He's probably right.
1 comment:
it is really fun when they know. This year Rowan on Thanksgiving went through the toy ads with grandma and tore out everything he wanted, which wasn't much just some Cars stuff and fire trucks and he's been carrying them around in his pockets since....telling everyone this is what he wants!
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