...and then headed to the ball park to cheer on the other team.

We were only able to stay for part of the game because we had a game at 11:30 at the other park just down the street. We were a little worried about our game because we were playing the number one team in the other division (we're in first place in our division) and we didn't think we were going to have enough players. So we hurried to the other field around 11 and waited for our game to begin.
Enough players showed up and we were able to play. Believe it or not, we actually won the game! We were pleasantly surprised. We were told that our next game would be at 2:30 at the same field, so we all parted ways looking for something to eat for lunch. We ended up taking a side trip to Mom's house to drop off Abigail because she was sleeping (which didn't last too long after arriving) and so was Landon and it was more conducive for sleep to be inside.
Jeromy and I headed back to the ball field and waited with the rest of the team for the game being played to end. At that point, we discovered that the game was actually going to be at 4:00 at the other field. So, Jeromy and I headed home again so that I could pack up clothes for Abigail since she was spending the night at Grandma's. We took the clothes over and visited very briefly with Laura and Andy who were there to pick up Landon. We then headed back to the game.
Our next game was against Northwood Church of God and we had a good time, but we were all tired. I think the long break simply put us out of the mood. We ended up losing the game, but we still had fun.
Other pictures from the day:
Trent's mohawk (He's Abigail's "boyfriend")
Bekah(aka Sis)and Landon at the first game. (Bekah is Trent's sister)
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