Tuesday, March 9, 2010

First Trip to the Zoo for 2010!!!

I was lazy and stole this post from Abs' blog. I didn't want to have to write something twice. :)

The weather today is beautiful! According to the temperature gauge in my car it is almost 60 degrees! The sun is shining and it is just wonderful!!! To celebrate this beautiful spring weather Jeromy, Abs, and I went to the Toledo Zoo to meet Laura and Landon. Here are some pictures from our fun-filled day:

They were watching the polar bear in this picture.

Looking at the birds in the aviary

Abigail enjoyed her first peanut butter and jelly sandwich

As usual, she found something to push around.

There were ducks everywhere! Landon and Abigail were just as impressed by them then any of the animals at the zoo!

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