Saturday, May 23, 2009

Minnesota Trip Day Three

At eleven this morning, we finally arrived at Aunt Monique's house. I was very surprised by how far out it was (even though Laura kept telling me that she lived in the middle of know you do Aunt Monique). We had a very nice day visiting with family. I was happy to finally meet Laurel (Aunt Monique's sister) since I have heard so much of her throughout the years. Here are some pictures from our day:

Abigail with her big cousin Maren (she is graduating tomorrow first in her class!)

Aunt Monique and Landon

Landon with his big cousin Kelsey

Aunt Monique and Maren playing with Abigail

We were told that Kelsey is breeding these goats to sell them. We weren't sure what the people who buy them use them for (we assume food).

Abigail and Maren looking at the goats.

Chicken (obviously)

Their backyard. I think it is very pretty.

This is not their road, but their driveway...yes, their driveway.

When we arrived back at the hotel, Abigail had her first bath in a real bathtub. It was difficult for both of us. This is going to take some practice.

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