Unfortunately, we were unable to stay for very long because we needed to head back to Ohio. Once the kiddos were fed and asleep we decided to head out. During the drive we had a little trouble with Landon. It seemed that he was constipated and in some pain because of it. Laura tried to give him sugar water, but it was not working. He was up all night (which translates that we were up all night). We had only gotten as far as Minneapolis and were staying near the Mall of America, so we decided to check it out. We arrived when it opened at 10 and left after lunch. It is huge!!!
Abigail loved Lego Land! While Laura and I were in Carter's Mom took her to see it and she just loved all the bright colors and moving things.

Chillin in her umbrella stroller for the first time.

We then hit the road again. We stopped at a Walmart for diapers for Landon and prune juice. Made a couple of stops for the kiddos and spent the night in Rockford, IL. We awoke early the next morning and headed home. We arrived back at Mom's house at 3:30 EST. When we go for Kelsey's graduation it will not be so quick. We spent more time in the car than anything else this weekend. Oh well.
Here are some cute pics taken throughout the weekend (the first one cracks me up):

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