Thursday, March 19, 2009

A Brief Update

Okay, I know I have not been on here as often as I used to. But, I do not get a lot of time to be on the computer and I usually use that time to check my e-mail and post pictures on Abigail's blog. Currently, Jeromy is entertaining Abigail (which is code for "trying to keep her awake until at least 10). He's doing a good job. She doesn't seem tired at all (that is if you ignored the crying every few minutes...between weird).

Anyways, not much has been happening here. I have managed to take care of Abigail and prevent the house from becoming too dirty. I have to admit that being a stay at home mom is much harder than working. Even so, I have not arrived at the point where I miss teaching. I miss my co-workers and conversations with other adults throughout the day. (Update on Jeromy: Abigail is really mad now because Jeromy has decided it is time to practice "tummy time")

I really can't say I have much else to say. The other day I thought of a lot of different things, but by the time I was able to get on to the computer they had all flittered out of my mind. I can't think of what they are at this time either. Most likely I will remember as soon as my computer shuts down.

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