Thursday, February 12, 2009

Blow Out!!!

Tonight Abigail and I went out to dinner with Michelle. After we ate, Michelle and I were sitting around talking and Michelle was holding Abigail. She kept saying that it smelled like Abigail had pooed. But I said that she had already pooed today so that it must be just gas (Abigail has some really nasty gas). Well, I was just saying that it was about time to head home, when Michelle made a gross discovery. Abigail had pooed through her clothes. Luckily, Michele had a burp rag between Abigail and her clothes.

So, I loaded Abigail into her carrier (I had her sit on the already soiled burp rag to keep from spreading the nastiness)and headed home. As soon as we arrived home, I got all of the things together for a bath (she was going to have one anyways). It was nasty and by the time I placed her in the tub she was not happy. The moment her butt hit the water she peed in the water. So, I then had to start over with new water. With the new water, Abigail began to enjoy her bath and relaxed.

Now I have a sweet smelling baby who I think is ready for bed. Hopefully she sleeps through the night.

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