Saturday, January 10, 2009

12 Inches of Snow and a Constipated Baby

I know some of you are thinking 12 inches? Big deal! Well, unlike those of you in Minnesota, New Hampshire, and even Cleveland, we are not used to so much snow at one time in Northwest Ohio. Jeromy plowed both driveways (the house we live in and the house sitting empty two miles away) and to see them you would think he never touched them. Mom's neighbor did hers before we could get there and there is a drift already behind her Jeep. I told her if no one plows her out by the time Jeromy gets home from work tomorrow, we'll be over.

Now, for the constipated baby...I won't go into details but she simply hasn't pooped. Her doctor told us to use suppositories and we did. We're now waiting for the big event and she's moody. If this doesn't make sense it is because I am typing this one handed and trying to catch the pacifier she keeps dropping in my cleavage.

Other than these two issues the day is going well. We got work done on both houses and are now relaxing (while waiting for poop).

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