Friday, September 21, 2007

A Benefit of Being a Teacher

This morning, moments before my alarm was to go off, our phone rang. I answered it and was happy to hear my mom's voice on the other end. She had called to tell me that we were on a two hour delay! I love two hour delays! They don't count against us and it means 20 minute periods (except for the three periods which contain lunch). It was made even better because it was Friday.

Anyways, after hanging up with mom, I called Michelle to let her know and then tried to go back to sleep. Unfortunately, Jeromy had been awaken by the phone and thought it was a good idea to talk. I kept trying to go to sleep and he kept talking. Eventually, he fell asleep. I, however, never fell fully asleep again. Oh well.

By the way, we were delayed because of the fog in the country areas and near the lake.

1 comment:

Michelle said...

I share your joy in 2 hour delays, and was oh so happy to hear your voice this morning! :-) Isn't it funny that we just had this talk last night, and it happened today?!?