Tuesday, September 25, 2007

Quick Tidbits...

- Jeromy had an exciting shift at Lifeflight on Saturday. He was actually able to fly the helicopter! He is very excited about this (the little boy is coming out). However, his shift yesterday was not as exciting. They flew around for an hour to train the new pilot...that was all. On the upside, this meant that he was able to get a full night's sleep. A rarity on a lifeflight shift.

- We just found out that Jeromy may have to work Thanksgiving and Christmas days. That is definitely one of the down sides of his job.

- Our cell group met for the first time last night. It is no longer at our house, but at Rob and Sharon's. It was nice to get together with everyone since we don't see them very often any more.

- My sister Kelly and her family are moving again. They are buying a house near where they currently live. It is a bigger house and will be nice for them. No details as of yet.

I felt like there was more to share, but I can't remember for the life of me what it was.

1 comment:

Michelle said...

Can't remember what else you wanted to share??? Does that have anything to do with an approaching birthday? Those digits are getting bigger (I can rub that in since they'll now be bigger than mine). :-)