Saturday, April 5, 2008

Okay, I Lied...

That last entry I was just getting too long. Even though this is still technically about the wedding, it all happened today. This afternoon both families met at my mom's house for lunch (eating leftovers from last night) and to watch Laura and Andy opening their presents. We had a lot of fun simply hanging out. Here are some pictures of the day.

Before arriving, Alex had his picture taken for his T-ball team. Isn't he handsome in his uniform?

Laura and Andy opening a gift.

An interesting gift that Laura and Andy received. It arrived with a mystery. The card was signed "XOXOXO" with no name. There was much conjecture with people guessing who could have given such a strange gift. Each guess was proved wrong when other gifts and cards were opened. We then were told as Andy's parents were leaving that it was from a couple of Andy's cousins. They had known all along but had promised them that they wouldn't tell.

1 comment:

Sharon said...

I need to get Rob one of those deer!

It looks like they (and you) have lots of memories!