Sunday, August 17, 2008

World Pulse Festival

Yesterday, at 7:00 in the morning, I met Michelle and the Pioterek family in the parking lot of the church office for a fun day listening to music. We all climbed in the church van and headed to South Bend, IN for the World Pulse Festival. It is a free concert that is held every year in August. This year the concert consisted of a group called C3 (a heavy metal band), Mandisa, Skillet, TobyMac, and Casting Crowns. It was a beautiful day, very sunny (we were all burnt in some way by the end of the day).

I enjoyed every act. My favorite act was TobyMac. I have never seen him in concert and he did an awesome job! It amazes me how he never stops moving or singing.

1 comment:

Sharon said...

wow thanks for inviting us!! :) LOL
Glad u had fun!