Friday, August 29, 2008

A Flurry of Activity

This morning Jeromy woke up early to meet the plumber at the new house. He called me at work to tell me that he expected a lot to be finished today. Here is what I found when I arrived this afternoon.

It's hard to tell in this picture, but the roof shingles are now completely on.

We now have our front door!

We also have our side door in our laundry room!

This is the bathtub in the upstairs bathroom.

The hook-up for our washer and dryer.

Jeromy wanted pictures of the plumbing, so I took this picture of the hook-up for the toilet in the master bathroom.

My sister, Laura, pointed out that I had not posted a picture of the back of the house. Since the backyard is now graded and I can get into it, I took a picture.