Tuesday, February 26, 2008

Snow Day #5

As you can guess from the title of this entry, we had our fifth and final snow day today. Overnight we received an incredible amount of snow. We may even have tomorrow off because they are expecting high winds tonight. Once again, we may be closed because of the area right on Lake Erie. If we do have tomorrow off, we will have to make it up in June. I am not happy with that.

Anyways, I kept busy even though it was my day off. I had to plow the driveway before I could even leave. I left the house around 10:00 and went to get my allergy shot. I then had to go to a doctor's appointment that was already scheduled (I guess a positive is that I didn't need to take a sick day). After that I went to my sister Kelly's house (which is near my doctor's office) and hung out with her and her friend, Cindy, for a couple of hours. Afterwards, I went grocery shopping and picked up my prescriptions.

It was a busy day (I didn't get home until four), but it was enjoyable. Maybe if we have tomorrow off I can relax a little bit.

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