Thursday, March 15, 2007

My Sister Kelly

Many of you know my sister Kelly. She has been having some physical issues lately. She has essentially had an intense migraine since Monday. Monny, her husband, took her to the ER at St. Luke's on Monday and they did a CT scan and injected her with medicine. Yesterday, she went to the ER at St. V's. While there, they did a spinal tap on her. By doing this, they were able to rule out meningitis and a possible burst brain aneurysm. There is still a slight concern that she has an aneurysm so they want her to get a MRI done within the week. Everyone please be in prayer that the doctors will discover what is wrong with her and will be able to treat it.


Anonymous said...

I will be praying. I know how debilitating migraines can be. May the Lord work quickly to bring relief.

Anonymous said...

Our thoughts and prayers are with Kelly (and all). Let us know any updates.

Roger & Patti
RnPGossett at Comcast dot net