Sunday, July 1, 2007

Rockin' at Freedom Fest

I love the summer!

Yesterday, Jeromy was working a 24 hour shift on life flight (the helicopter that services his hospital and many others in the area. They are the ones who respond to accidents. I'm so proud of him!) and I was faced with a long day by myself. Michelle saved me from that by calling to see if I wanted to do lunch (technically we had kind of planned this the night before) and we went out for some chicken wings at B-dubs.

Then, she had the great idea of going to Freedom Fest which was being held on the other side of town at the Cathedral of Praise. The Christian rock band Pillar was playing that night and it sounded like a good time. We first went shopping (of course) at Levi's Commons and then headed to the festival. We ran into friends from church and hung out with them while listening to the opening bands and simply enjoying the beautiful weather.

After the concert, we were able to enjoy a great fireworks display! All in all it was a great evening spent with friends having a good time. That is why I love the summer!

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