Monday, October 20, 2008

We have Floors!

Okay, I couldn't think of a better title. Anyways, we stopped by this evening and discovered that they had laid the floors in both the laundry room and upstairs bathroom. The subfloor for the tile in the master bathroom has also been laid. One last exciting thing has also happened. Our cabinets have arrived. They are in the garage and tomorrow they will begin installing them. From what I understand, we will have many picture updates this week! Here are the pictures from today:

Laundry room:

Upstairs bathroom:

Subfloor in master bathroom:

Cabinets in garage:

1 comment:

TakeShapewithTricia said...

Your house looks great! I am so excited for you. Sorry I didnt get a chance to speak with you when I came for the church tour, you were on your way to a meeting, and I was getting a quick tour from Pam. The new church looks great too.